Sapphire Skies by Belinda Alexandra

Rating: 5/5 Stars
Fact: I feel as though this story was made for me. It includes aviation, a female pilot, Blonde Hair, Blonde Haired Pilot, Russia, Russian Food, Babushkas...etc.
You know that feeling where you feel as though you know the character, the feeling that they are a part of you and you just want to cry with sadness yet joy? I feel like that right now. Sapphire Skies was a beautifully written book and I cannot fully express how much I love it. There is much "me" in this beautiful story in the cases of me loving aviation along with having a Russian background and a love for animals. Sapphire skies by Belinda Alexandra is one of my favorite novels that I have ever read and I really cannot explain how perfect this novel was.
You know that feeling where you feel as though you know the character, the feeling that they are a part of you and you just want to cry with sadness yet joy? I feel like that right now. Sapphire Skies was a beautifully written book and I cannot fully express how much I love it. There is much "me" in this beautiful story in the cases of me loving aviation along with having a Russian background and a love for animals. Sapphire skies by Belinda Alexandra is one of my favorite novels that I have ever read and I really cannot explain how perfect this novel was.
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