Freedom Swimmer by Wai Chim

Rating 4/5 Stars
Started: 15th August, 2016
Ended: 15th September, 2016
Publication Date: September 1st, 2016.
Publisher: Allen and Unwin
RRP (AU) $16.99
Recommended Ages: 12+
This story was really quite an emotional eyeopener. The story tells the tales of two young men who are fighting for survival in a poverty stricken village in the time where China was starting to develop into the modern world also known as 'The Great Leap Forward". The novel really gave evidence into what life was like living in poverty based areas and the living conditions are absolutely harsh and heartbreaking especially the ordeals they go through with the guards etc.
It is obviously clear that from the events the boys went through and the action they implemented into themselves to flee those events would have been truly terrifying and goes to show how desperate people were to flee these harsh places they once called home. The ending really made me sad!
I like the fact that the main boy, Ming, follow what his father said was extremely sad yet so beautiful and I have to say, this book was written so beautifully and so realistically that I would love to continue with reading books written by Wai Chim.
Ming went through a lot, he lost his family and friends and was looked down upon by others. He was a lost child that had an awful life and I definitely felt for him and his friend Li throughout the story. They are two memorable characters that will stay with one for quite some time to come.
Overall, I definitely recommended this book to anyone who like historical novel and action and to anyone who wants to fell sad and shocked and is very emotional in my view.
A special thanks goes to Allen and Unwin for sending me this novel to review. Thank You!
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