Wolf by Wolf Duology by Ryan Graudin

Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf #1) by Ryan Graudin

Rating 5/5 Stars
Started: 27th June, 2016
​Ended: 29th June, 2016

Wolf by Wolf was a quick and enjoyable read for me. The novel is a mix of historical, contemporary, young adult and romance.
 I loved the plot line, characters and the whole concept of the race and the Yahel's mission. Felix was one of my favorite characters and I love his love for his sister Adele. 

I feel as though Yahel gave Adele more character and I rather liked Luka as well. Some parts of the story were painful to read as they have an insight to the Holocaust and the torture of so many innocent people. I loved the idea if the five wolves and would most definitely continue with this series in the future.

Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf #1) by Ryan Graudin

Rating 3.5/5 Stars
Started: 13th February, 2017
​Ended: 28th February, 2016

I don't even want to talk about this book. What the actual hell? WHAT THE ACTUAL BLOODY HELL??


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